Top 7 Must Know Complications of Hair Transplant

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Top 7 Must Know Complications Of Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation has been frequently commonly applied for aesthetic surgical procedures. Hair transplantation has a low complication rate compared to other aesthetic surgical procedures. However, it can cause serious complications if proper attention is not given. Hair transplant surgery has made significant strides over the past 25 years that has resulted in highly satisfied patients. While the results are proven, many still worry about its concerning side effects.

So, What Are The Complications of Hair Transplant?

Complications of Hair transplant are uncommon in general, thanks to the healthy blood supply to the scalp, which allows for fast recovery and low infection rates. Nonetheless, there are a number of issues that could arise:

  • Edema (5%)

Postoperative edema is the most common complications of hair transplantation. Edema can develop due to tumescent anesthesia and trauma during processing. To prevent and minimize edema, patients should be explained in the lying position during the postoperative period. The use of massage, cold pack, systemic steroids, infiltrative steroids, and NSAID can reduce edema.

  • Bleeding (0.5%)

Being a surgical procedure there is a possibility of some amount of bleeding during and post-surgery. Although the doctor makes sure that there is minimum bleeding during the procedure, sometimes there could be some bleeding in the donor area which should stop once the pressure is applied on the part

  • Folliculitis

A string of pimple-like bubbles might appear on the recipient area which could cause itching. This should go in some days with application of solution to keep the recipient area well moisturized.

  • Numbness of the scalp this might be transitory or permanent, depending on whether the dissection is limited to the galea aponeurosis and occipital fascia.

  • Telogen effluvium is a rare yet serious complication that causes native hair to fall out at the donor or recipient location. This “shock” hair loss, which is most likely a result of the stress and micro drama experienced during the hair transplant, is only temporary. Patients should be assured that the majority of the hairs shed will grow back in three to four months.

  • Epidermal cysts and ingrown hair—while self-limiting, these conditions can occasionally trigger a widespread inflammatory response that affects the entire graft population. Entrapped hairs should be released to speed up the process.

  • Infection

Infection is something that is very rare if you are undergoing the procedure in a well-known clinic like Dermaplast Clinic under our experienced doctor. But there is still a possibility. In such a case, a simple prescription of antibiotic from the expert doctor can solve the issue.

In Summary

So all in all, Any kind of medical procedure involves several risk factors. Hair transplant is a relatively safe procedure with most of the side effects being temporary which would recede over a period of time. Although there is some possibility of long term complications of hair transplantation, however the percentage of its occurrence is less. Learn More here.

If you are intrigued and want to know more about Hair Transplant, call us now to fix an appointment with our hair experts who will assist in clearing your doubts and give you a personalized plan for the hair transplant procedure.

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